
2023.6.19: Receiving 情報通信技術賞(TTC会長表彰) Information and Communication Technology Award (TTC President’s Commendation)
2022.12.23: Receiving Nepali Diaspora ICT Award 2022 – The biggest tech award of Nepal

Welcome to Ved P. Kafle’s website

I have been engaged in the research & development, teaching, and standardization of information and communication technologies for the last two decades. More information about my work can be obtained from the profile, research and publication pages below (or from above Menu). I can be reached through my email address and other social networking sites, whose links are written in the contact page.

NOTE: All photographs used in this website are taken by myself (except the above award receiving photo). The paddy field is my hometown in Nepal and the park (in different seasons) with trees, greenery and cherry blossoms together with snow on the ground is Koganei Park located near my home in Tokyo.

डा. वेद प्रसाद काफ्लेको वेबसाइटमा स्वागत छ।

म सूचना तथा सञ्चार प्रविधिको अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान तथा अध्यापन पेशामा गत दुई दशकदेखि संलग्न छु। यहाँ क्लिक वा ट्याप गरेर मेरो बारेमा नेपालीमा बिस्तारमा जानकारी पाउन सक्नु हुने छ। साथै मेरो शिक्षा, अनुभव तथा व्यवसायिक संघसंस्थासँगको आवद्धताका बारेमा तलका पेज तथा माथिको Menu बटन भित्रका पेजहरूबाट अंग्रेजीमा थप जानकारी पाउन सकिन्छ।

नोटः यो वेबसाइटमा प्रयोग गरिएका प्राकृतिक दृश्यका फोटाहरू मैले आफै खिचेका हुन्। धान खेत हाम्रो नेपालको घर (इनरुवा, सुनसरी) को हो भने हरियो चौर, रुखहरू, सेतो चेरी फूल फुलेको बेलामा भूईँभरि सेतो हिउँ ढाकेको ठाउँ जापानको हाम्रो घर छेउको टोकियो कोगानेइ पार्क हो।

मेरो अनुभवका बारेमा यो लिङ्कमा पढ्न सकिन्छः “२६ वटा देश घुमिसकें, नेपाल नै राम्रो लाग्छ“।


I am currently working as a Research Manager at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Tokyo. I am concurrently holding a visiting faculty position at Waseda University, Tokyo. Prior to joining Waseda university, I was a Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo from April 2013 to March 2023. I have been serving as a Rapporteur of ITU-T Study Group 13 at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, Switzerland since 2014. My education background, work experience, and association with professional organizations are listed below. My short biography is given here.

I have authored/co-authored more than 150 papers published in peer reviewed journals, magazines, and conferences. I have filed 12 patents and edited 14 ITU-T Recommendations. My publications, patents and edited ITU-T Recommendation lists are available in Publication page.

Education :

1991 – 1995Bachelor of Engineering (B.E. with Honours) in Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh, India
2001 – 2003Master of Science (M.S.) in Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea
2003 – 2006Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Informatics, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan

Work experience :

2018 – Present Research Manager
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Tokyo, Japan.
2014 – Present Rapporteur
International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), Study Group 13, Geneva, Switzerland
2023 – Present Visiting Faculty
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
2013–2023 Visiting Associate Professor
The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, Japan
2010– 2018 Senior Researcher
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Tokyo, Japan
2006 – 2009 Researcher
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Tokyo, Japan

The above list shows my work experience after obtaining the PhD degree. After obtaining the B.E. degree in 1995, I had worked for five years in Nepal. I worked as a temporary lecturer to teach undergraduate engineering students at Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus and then worked as a computer engineer at government service. I also worked as a part-time lecturer at Nepal Engineering College.

Awards and honors:

2024.3 情報通信マネジメント功労賞 (Information and Communication Management Achievement Award)
一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 情報通信マネジメント研究専門委員会
2023.6Information and Communication Technology Award (TTC President’s Commendation) 情報通信技術賞(TTC会長表彰)
2022.12Nepali Diaspora ICT Award 2022 – The biggest tech award of Nepal
2022.12Best Paper Award (First prize), ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference 2022, Accra, Ghana
2020.12Best Paper Award (First prize), ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference 2020, Online
2018.11Best Paper Award (First prize), ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference 2018, Santa Fe, Argentina
2018.7ITU-T Study Group 13 Fellow Award, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland
2017.9Distinguished Service Award, Communications Society, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
2017.5Accomplishment Award, The ITU Association of Japan 日本ITU協会 功績賞
2014.6Best Paper Award (Second prize), ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia
2013.7 Excellent Paper Award, International Conference on Ubiquitous Future Network (ICUFN), Intelligent Vehicles Workshop, Da Nang, Vietnam
2013.4Senior Member Recognition, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2009.9Best Paper Award (Second prize), ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference 2009, Mar del Plata, Argentina
2009.5Encouragement Award, The ITU Association of Japan 日本ITU協会賞 国際活動奨励賞
2003 – 2006Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship to study for a Ph.D. degree
2001 – 2003Korean Government Scholarship to study for an M.S. degree
1991 – 1995Colombo Plan Scholarship to study for a B.E. degree

Professional organization membership :

More information about my involvement in various academic and professional activities can be found in my Research Map page.
My LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ved-kafle-08a68910/


Peer reviewed Journals and Conferences

I have authored/co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed research papers published in journals and international conferences [List of journal and conference papers]. Some of these papers are also available on IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Research Map, dblp Computer Science, and Semantic Scholar pages. If you need the PDF file of any of my papers, please contact me at “contact AT vedkafle.org.np” (replace AT by @).

Domestic Conferences and Technical Reports

I have authored/co-authored about 90 papers published in IEICE conferences and technical reports [List of domestic conference papers and technical reports].

ITU-T Recommendations and IETF/IRTF RFCs

I have edited 14 ITU-T Recommendations related with Next Generation Networks, Future Networks, IMT-2020/5G networks, and Fixed, Mobile, and Satellite Convergence. Similarly, I have edited an RFC related with information-centric networking (ICN) [List of edited ITU-T Recommendations and RFCs].

Professional Society Newsletters and Magazines

I have published several papers in professional society newsletters and magazines [List of professional society newsletter and magazine papers].


The new technologies invented by my research have been documented in 12 patents [List of patents]

Newspapers, news portals and magazines
I have published several articles in national daily newspapers, news portals and magazines of Nepal written both in Nepali and English.
नेपालका पत्रपत्रिकाहरू जस्तै गोरखापत्र, Republica, लिभिङ विथ आइसिटी र अन्य अनलाइन पोर्टालमा पनि मेरा आलेखहरू प्रकाशित हुने गरेका छन्। [List of newspaper, news portal and magazine articles].


Recent activities:

2022 December 23: Received “Nepali Diaspora ICT Award 2022” – The biggest tech award of Nepal, Kathmandu. 2022 December 9: Received “Best Paper Award [First Prize] from ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference 2022, Accra, Ghana.

ब्लग (फुर्सदका लेख)

I used to write blogs frequently before Facebook came into our life. Here is the link to my old blogs: https://blog.vedkafle.org.np फेसबुकको चलन शुरु हुनुभन्दा पहिले म केही ब्लग लेख्ने गर्दथे। फेसबुक आएपछि लेख्ने कुरा प्रायः सबै फेसबुकमा नै लेख्न थाले पछि ब्लग लेख्न बन्द गरिएको थियो, पुनः लेख्न शुरु गर्ने विचार गर्दैछु। मेरो पुराना …