

(Some of the below listed patents are also found in GooglePatents search page.)

  1. US Patent US8274986 B2 (2012/9/25), Packet communication method using node identifier and locator
  2. US Patent US9077753B2 (2014/6/11), Method for securing name registries, network access and data communication in ID/locator split-based networks
  3. US Patent US9628377B2 (2017/4/18), Method for link failure detection and session transfer to a lively link in the multihoming Environment of ID/locator split-based networks
  4. Europe Patent EP2148518 (2016/4/13), Packet communication method using node identifier and locator
  5. Japan Patent JP5327832B2 (2013/10/30), The method of packet communication using a node identifier and locator
  6. Japan Patent JP5761709 (2015/8/12), Radio Communication method between mobile terminal
  7. Japan Patent JP5780648B2 (2015/9/16), Host device
  8. Japan Patent JP5807912B2 ((2015/11/10), Host device
  9. Japan Patent JP5804439B2 (2015/11/4), Name registry at ID/locator split-based network, a method to safely perform network access and data communications
  10. Japan Patent JP5967601B2 (2016/8/10), The method of session switching of the ID/ locator split network multihoming environment based on the link fault detecting and normal operation during link switching
  11. Japan Patent JP6536999B2 (2019/6/14), Host device
  12. Korea Patent KR101458398B1 (2014/10/30), 노드 식별자와 위치 지정자와를 이용한 패킷 통신 방법 (Packet communication method using node identifier and locator)

(Additional two applications are pending now).