ITU-T Recommendations and IETF/IRTF RFCs

The telecommunication standards developed by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) are called ITU-T Recommendations and those developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) are called Request for Comments (RFCs). I have edited the following Recommendations.
अन्तरराष्ट्रिय दूरसञ्चार संघले बनाएका दूरसञ्चारका स्टाण्डर्डलाई ITU-T Recommendation भनिन्छ। मैंले Next Generation Network (NGN), Future networks र 5G networks सँग सम्बन्धित निम्न १४ वटा ITU-Recommendations सम्पादन गरेको छु।

  1. ITU-T Recommendation Y.3207 (04/2024), Recommendation ITU-T Y.3207: Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence – Integrated network control architecture framework for IMT-2020 networks and beyond.
  2. ITU-T Recommendation Y.3077 (09/2021), Framework for interworking of heterogeneous application domain connected objects through information-centric networking in IMT-2020.
  3. ITU-T Recommendation Y.3178 (07/2021), Functional framework of AI-based network service provisioning in future networks including IMT-2020.
  4. ITU-T Recommendation Y.3177 (02/2021), Architectural framework for artificial intelligence-based network automation for resource and fault management in future networks including IMT-2020.
  5. ITU-T Recommendation Y.3074 (09/2019), Framework for directory service for management of huge number of heterogeneously named objects in IMT-2020.
  6. ITU-T Recommendation Y.3071 (03/2017), Data aware networking (information centric networking) – Requirements and capabilities.
  7. ITU-T Series Y Supplement 47 (04/2018), Information-centric networking – Overview, standardization gaps and proof-of-concept.
  8. ITU-T Series Y Supplement 35 (05/2016), ITU-T Y.3033 – Data aware networking – Scenarios and use cases.  
  9. ITU-T Recommendation Y.3034 (06/2015), Architecture for interworking of heterogeneous component networks in ID/locator split-based future network.
  10. ITU-T Recommendation Y.3032 (01/2014), Configurations of node identifiers and their mapping with locators in future networks.
  11. ITU-T Recommendation Y.3031 (2012), Identification Framework for Future Network.
  12. ITU-T Recommendation Y.2057 (2012), Framework of identifiers and locators separation in IPv6-based next generation networks.
  13. ITU-T Recommendation Y.2022 (2011), Functional architecture for the support of host-based ID/locator separation in NGN.
  14. ITU-T Recommendation Y.2015 (2009), General requirements of ID/locator separation in NGN.

I have published the following RFC.

RFC 9236
Architectural Considerations of Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Using a Name Resolution Service, April 2022.